

1: 2023/07/25(火) 09:15:46.92 0
Aya Matsuura – T.W.O. (2003)

“When you’re an established musician, chances are your influences are pretty much set in stone. The artists who first inspired you made their way into your music, and you just branch off from there. But I got the same feeling from hearing Aya Matsurra as I did when listening to Kiss as a kid. It was like a new beginning for me.

“She has a lot of records that blew my mind, but T.W.O. is sort of like the Kiss Alive! of J-pop, so to speak. It’s not rock‘n’roll or metal or muso music at all – it’s pure pop – but in its own way, it’s completely over the top. The producer, Tsunku, is probably my favourite Japanese record maker. This album is a musical roller coaster. All kinds of things are popping up all the time; it takes wild curves right and left, totally unexpected. Your ears never get tired.

“This record got me very interested in Japanese music, and consequently, I moved to Japan. I recommend the album to anybody who wants to have their mind blown.”

